Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Day 15 - Hanover to Smyrna - Metro Nashville Chorus

The clouds parted and the sun shone brightly in Hanover, Va., as I departed with a wing wave to Karen Davis of Greater Richmond Chorus, and the fine folks at HOVA Flight Services who found a spot in their hangar for my plane during the worst of the storm.

After a pleasant, smooth, scenic, three hour trip I landed at Smyrna Airport, just south of Nashville, Tennessee, hoping to spend some time with Metro Nashville Chorus.  Their director, Kim Wonders, is part of the SAI International Faculty and was chosen to host the Harmony Classic webcast, so there was no rehearsal.  Instead, about a dozen of the group were having a webcast watching party and in true SAI hospitality fashion, they invited me to join them.

Metro Nashville has won a long list of accolades at the Harmony Classic, achieving International First Place in both small and mid-size chorus during the past 15 years - - and the group knew way more of the songs that were performed than I did.   They were proud that their director, Kim, was hosting the webcast - - and in her honor they had, well, ... her head ... mounted on a pole ... which was utilized multiple times during the webcast.  Hmm.  

For this group, the highlight of the webcast was when Kim said Rubber Baby Buggy Bumper.  For SAI it was the $300 we collectively donated to the webcast.  For me, it was listening to them sing two of their repertoire songs for me, and then singing tags with them.   Beautiful voices, blend, songs!  Thank you Metro Nashville for your hospitality!!!

1 comment:

  1. Really love the way you are able to "drop in" and sing along with these ladies all over the country. It says a lot for the warmth and hospitable ladies that find their way into these choral groups across the USA. They have a lot more in common than just a desire to sing!
    Keep up the grand journey. Missing you but really enjoying your posts. So proud of my Big Seester.
