All the way across the USA there is a chorus that totally rocks. I always thought the big choruses would be less tight, more women could mean more opportunities for cliques, or less likelihood that they would know each other very well, but GRC, as they call themselves, breaks all my preconcieved notions.
At sixty plus members they are just barely large, but even so, these gals are of one mind behind director, Vera Crouse. She doesn't seem to need to explain anything. Maybe it's telepathy. She makes a gesture or says two words and everyone is instantly there. They clearly LOVE their director, and she loves them.
The visit started with food...always a good sign ... and a lot of good natured ribbing between the ladies. At the rehearsal hall they were all ready for me, the whole front row was wearing aviator scarves and goggles / sunglasses!!! See picture below. (Better picture coming....having technology issues)
After running through some of the songs for their upcoming church performance, we moved into their competition set. After that was a choreo rehearsal and I stepped out to watch. I'm kind of bummed that their regional contest is not webcast. I would definitely pay to see them perform.
After the rehearsal, more food, and cameraderie. This chorus is tight, their sound is tight, and you can feel the shared joy. Grateful thanks to All of the GRC ladies, and especially Karen and Phyllis, who offered her lovely house, two dogs, and 4? cats, and apple raisin bread (yum).
Picked up copilot Mike and we headed to the airport to check everything was okay with my plane. All systems go, except the weather. Humph. Looks like Thursday or Friday departure. Hey, that means I can sing with another chorus! Awesome!
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